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PortAventura Business & Events ist wieder da
Die Eventabteilung von PortAvenura World hat alle Maßnahmen zur Kontrolle der Teilnehmeranzahl, des Sicherheitsabstands und der Hygieneregeln, wie im Notfallplan für COVID-19 festgelegt, getroffen, um...
Erweiterte Realität (AR), 3D-Grafiken und holografische Illusionen, das neue Hypriderlebnis von PortAventura Business & Events
Das Convention Centre bietet mit dem neu eröffneten Raum Roma den neuen innovativen und technologischen Lösungskatalog Hybrid Experience & Real Emotions.
The Beat Challenge is born, an entertainment project by LaLiga and PortAventura World
The Beat Challenge is born, an entertainment project by LaLiga and PortAventura World The project is implemented through a joint venture and aims to provide new and innovative content to the 5.2 million annual customers of...
PortAventura Business & Events launches new Website and Virtual Tour, and there’s a prize up for grabs!
PortAventura Business & Events has set up a competition. To be in with a chance of winning, participants must take a 360º Virtual Tour of the new website and look around until they find three of the eight keys hidden in the...
PortAventura Convention Centre resumes its activities #LookingTowardsTheFuture of Events
PortAventura Business & Events invites clients to “redesign the future together” and discover new possibilities in the events sector. “We are reinventing the art of gathering. We are discovering new realities. We are...
PortAventura Convention Centre announces its reopening on 8 July
PortAventura Convention Centre reopens its doors on 8 July after several months during which the PortAventura Business & Events team has worked to redefine its strategy, establish new procedures, and adapt to the demands of the...